Thursday, April 10, 2008

Rainy Days Suck

I've had an ample amount of time to knit today and what have I done?
I've got about five stripes done on my illusion scarf, which equals about 2 inches, if I'm lucky. I am feeling uninspired right now. It could be that I'm pms-y, or that this scarf is turning out to be much harder than I had imagined. Either way, I'm frustrated and I'm not sure what to do next. I could just give up and turn this beautiful yarn into something worthwhile, or I could go back to my cabled hat using a real needle this time as opposed to that damn crochet hook. I could go back to making my blanket, or even making that elephant like I wanted to weeks ago. I don't know. I will probably just go to my faithful friend, the internet, and find a new pattern to fight and struggle with and eventually never finish.
I really liked the idea of my junkie scarf. I thought it would be interesting. Looking back, it would have looked even better with black and lime green, or lemon yellow. I don't know what to do now. I'm angry.
Chris is playing Mario Galaxy and I'm having a pretty good time just sitting back and watching him. It's helping me relax a bit. He's trying to help me get inspired. What a great guy...So very much in love with him. I'm gonna go watch him some more and maybe give him a little lovin' of his own.

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