Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Monday, July 14, 2008

Sunburn, Chalk and Pizza

I'm obscenely sunburnt. There's a big surprise. I am a vampire and I was outside in the sun all weekend. I should have known it would be bad. I never would have guessed I'd be in this much pain. All those summers marching and doing the chalk walk have never resulted in a sunburn this bad before. I'm limited in what I can do today. I'm pretty sure knitting is out of the question, but I can still read and do some work.
The chalk walk, however, went well...In a manner of speaking. We didn't get spots as good as last year, but they were still on Main Street. Ande spent more time sleeping in the shade than she did actually drawing. It raineduntil about noon on Saturday, so we didn't start working till 1. The cool part was that now that I live in Fort Wayne and Donnie does too, we could stay out till late working because we only had a 5 minute drive instead of an hour drive home. I barely got the coloring finished on mine Saturday night, and Ande hadn't really done anything, so we had to go back on Sunday. I finially finished mine right before the judging started (I entered the Trump l'oiel contest) and walked around to look at Leslie's and Kirsten's pictures. I saw Mary and Laurie too over the weekend. People seemed to really like my mosiac and one lady laughed and asked if I was for hire. I wish she would have been serious. I think doing mosiacs for people would be awesome.
I taught Ande how to knit on Friday, but my method was promptly replaced with contenintal style because of her raging carpal tunnel in her right wrist. Ande made 3 punds of spaghetti because she is retarded, and now I need to take the trash out because it's full of spaghetti that Chris and I could have eaten if she wouldn't have made (like I told her not to).
I think I'm officially in love with Pizza Hut's P'zones. The meat kind are sooo good! Chris offered to buy dinner last night because he thought he was getting paid much later this month, so he had been saving gas money. I can only eat half of one though. They are huge. And I think if Chris were to eat the one I had, he would probably get sick. Lots of gooey cheese and yummy sausage.
Oh yeah...I also got this.”Photobucket”src=””border=”0”

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Cool, huh? I need to start linking this on every blog post. I can't wait till the next knit in. They are so much fun. I think I'm gonna start going to the lunch knit session on Fridays. That sounds fun.
I had a dream about yarn last night. How sad is that?