Monday, April 6, 2009

Yet Another BTW:

I want to grafitti something public with yarn. I want to get a group of knitters/crocheters together to graffiti this town. I think it would be a blast to go out sometime this summer and throw scarves and hats on everything.
And no need to mention that I spelled grafitti two different ways. I know I did. I don't know how to spell it and I don't care to find out either. I'm just that lazy.

I Need A Webcam

I've met my first real life deaf friend. I know several deaf people from going to volleyball, but I consider Mike to be a real friend. We chat. Only, his typing isn't wonderful. I don't think it's because he's dumb or a slow learner. I think it's because he uses wonderful sign language. Talking to him in person is great. He signs really well and is always willing to slow down or repeat something I didn't catch.
So...I want a webcam so I can sign with him. Plus, it'd be really great practice. I'm pretty sure I know more sign than any of the girls in class, but that's simply not good enough. I want to be fluent. I want to watch people at volleyball and understand and be able to laugh along with them.
I'm starving. Gonna make some pizza rolls and then do some webcam research.