Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Where's the Love?

I miss romance.
Do men really buy their wives/girlfriends flowers every once and a while?
When girls get dressed up, don't men usually say that they look pretty?
I thought that when girls fished for compliments, men gave them some just to either shut up or get some?
I'd be happy for either at this point. I make him breakfast every weekend, and he just takes it for granted. Maybe I should just give up on breakfast. He never eats any of it anyways. Then he just complains that the dishes aren't done and he wants lunch.
I made him meatloaf because he says how much he likes it. I cried because I ate his chips and he got mad. It's like he doesn't care.
I know I've been kind of useless this past month. I have been looking for a job (I have one as of yesterday), and been pretty broke. But it's not just this past month that has been bothering me.
It's just a general lack of anything remotely related to romance.
Download a movie. Watch the Simpsons. Have sex. Download another movie. Have sex. Watch some more Simpsons. Eat dinner. Dishes aren't done. Have sex. Watch more Simpsons. Have sex. I try to make the house look nice or get dressed up or make a special dessert for him...And I just get ignored.
Maybe things will get better after I start making money. Then Chris won't be as disappointed in me. Maybe that will help with him actually trying to be romantic.

Monday, July 28, 2008

New Month...New Term...New Job...New Life?

I've got a job interview! Today at 3...And maybe one later. When I left Fricker's, the manager said he would call on Sunday night and let me know about orientation on Monday...But he never called. So, I'm gonna call around 10:30 and see if they got a chance to review my application. Worst possible outcome-they say they need someone with serving experience and I still have my interview at Flat Top Grille. Best possible outcome-they say they did and want me to come in tonight and pick up my Fricker's shirt because I've been hired, and I still have my interview at Flat Top. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.
So far, this month has been pretty lame. I'm totally broke and I am trying to come up with the $300 I need to give Chris for rent. Maybe I should go to amature night at Showgirls tomorrow night. I bet I could make some good money. I don't have anything to dance in...Maybe I'll just win the lottery. That sounds easy, right? $35,000 would be awesome and I get so much accomplished with that much money. I'll just win the lottery.
School starts in less than a month. I need to get books, but I only need three. I need a French workbook, an Anthropology book and a book for my communications class. It shouldn't be terribly expensive considering Chris and I are sharing a French book and I already have all my math stuff. I think I might wait a bit on the anthro book because I don't want to buy it (unless I can find it cheap) if I'll never end up using it, like my psych book. I'm pretty excited about school starting, surprisingly enough. As much as I hated school last year, I don't think I'll have the same problem this term. I still need to get signed up for J100. I should send Susan Byers an email...That's another thing on my list to do today.
There's an idea. I could make a list of things to do today. I could do it each day. How long do you think that would last? Two...Three days? Tops? That sounds about right. I could try it. Maybe I should start another blog. Either that or just edit my "Stop Worrying and Start Living" blog. After the nice little argument I had with Chris a while back, I don't really feel like reading that anymore. Maybe a little organization is all I need.
That and to tweeze my eyebrows and file my nails down a bit.
Hopefully today marks a new life for me. A life of getting drinks and running credit cards and flirting with guys at lunch. I hope they let me know right away. I really don't know if I can stand to wait another week to hear back. The whole DeBrand's experience just sucked ass. In about an hour and 15 minutes, I need to call Fricker's and assess the damage. Until then, I need to do dishes and clean the house a bit. Maybe I'll fold Chris's undershirts too. That would be nice of me, wouldn't it?