Monday, July 28, 2008

New Month...New Term...New Job...New Life?

I've got a job interview! Today at 3...And maybe one later. When I left Fricker's, the manager said he would call on Sunday night and let me know about orientation on Monday...But he never called. So, I'm gonna call around 10:30 and see if they got a chance to review my application. Worst possible outcome-they say they need someone with serving experience and I still have my interview at Flat Top Grille. Best possible outcome-they say they did and want me to come in tonight and pick up my Fricker's shirt because I've been hired, and I still have my interview at Flat Top. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.
So far, this month has been pretty lame. I'm totally broke and I am trying to come up with the $300 I need to give Chris for rent. Maybe I should go to amature night at Showgirls tomorrow night. I bet I could make some good money. I don't have anything to dance in...Maybe I'll just win the lottery. That sounds easy, right? $35,000 would be awesome and I get so much accomplished with that much money. I'll just win the lottery.
School starts in less than a month. I need to get books, but I only need three. I need a French workbook, an Anthropology book and a book for my communications class. It shouldn't be terribly expensive considering Chris and I are sharing a French book and I already have all my math stuff. I think I might wait a bit on the anthro book because I don't want to buy it (unless I can find it cheap) if I'll never end up using it, like my psych book. I'm pretty excited about school starting, surprisingly enough. As much as I hated school last year, I don't think I'll have the same problem this term. I still need to get signed up for J100. I should send Susan Byers an email...That's another thing on my list to do today.
There's an idea. I could make a list of things to do today. I could do it each day. How long do you think that would last? Two...Three days? Tops? That sounds about right. I could try it. Maybe I should start another blog. Either that or just edit my "Stop Worrying and Start Living" blog. After the nice little argument I had with Chris a while back, I don't really feel like reading that anymore. Maybe a little organization is all I need.
That and to tweeze my eyebrows and file my nails down a bit.
Hopefully today marks a new life for me. A life of getting drinks and running credit cards and flirting with guys at lunch. I hope they let me know right away. I really don't know if I can stand to wait another week to hear back. The whole DeBrand's experience just sucked ass. In about an hour and 15 minutes, I need to call Fricker's and assess the damage. Until then, I need to do dishes and clean the house a bit. Maybe I'll fold Chris's undershirts too. That would be nice of me, wouldn't it?

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