Thursday, September 11, 2008

Dealing With A Child's Death

She wasn't my little girl, but I loved her just the same.

Lillian Rose Kelly, I'm going to miss how you giggled and screamed when we played. I'm going to miss hearing you wake me up in the morning. I'm sorry I didn't share more of my string cheese with you, but I'm not sorry about giving you Mountain Dew in your sippy cup before your mom came home. I hope you liked playing dress up in my clothes. You looked so much like your dad. I know Autumn is going to miss you like crazy even if you were never a terribly big fan of hers.

Anyone who reads this should know that it wasn't Brandi's fault, even if she believes it is for the rest of her life. We loved Lilly so much. She never cried, and she was always messy.

Keep Brandi, Jeremy, and Autumn in your thoughts. I can't imagine loosing a daughter after only two years, and I can't imagine loosing my younger sister.

I'll miss you Lilly.