Wednesday, April 9, 2008

April Scarves Bring December Presents

Ok, I can't help it. I NEED to make this scarf. It's so amazing. I am going yarn hunting today. I need new yarn to make this absolutely fabulous scarf. It's all holographic and stuff. I can do anything.
I'm going to explode. Seriously. I need to shop.
Maybe I'll just go to Hobby Lobby and buy some cheap easy yarn to start with, that way I don't waste good yarn on a terrible project. I hate following charts, so I can't possibly see how this is going to work out well. But I need to try. Must make new scarf.
It's April. Have I lost my mind? Who the hell starts making scarves in April? Wait! Maybe I can start making them in April and have them all finished in December for Christmas! Woo hoo! I could get a head start on presents.
I say that every year and it never happens. Maybe I will change it up this year. Chris can keep me from getting distracted. I've got so many projects started right now... Maybe it's time for me to actually pick one and stick with it. You think?
I have to go give a tour to a couple high school kids. More on yarn later.

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