Tuesday, April 15, 2008


No, I haven't actually gotten my tattoo. I was just thinking about it. I so badly want to get a tattoo. I really wish I had the money. If I could trade my entire stash for a great tattoo, I would do it. But it would have to be a really good tat. There's way too much money sitting here around me to trade for something lame or poorly done.
As soon as I finished posting, I sat down on the couch and took a nap. It's after 7:30 now and I haven't done a single thing to get more organized or even start a new project. (I really should finish one rather than starting a new one. Like Phoenix. She still needs legs!) Being on Ravelry makes me want to jump up and down and knit, but I'm having a hard time actually thinking of something good. I feel guilty about never knitting when it seems to have totally encompassed my life. Tattoos, my own business, these cute little animals, Ravelry...My whole world has tumbled into a fiber frenzy, but I just can't seem to pick up my needles and get cracking.
It could be the argument. Chris and I haven't said a word to each other since about 4:15. Wait, that's not totally true. I asked him where the battery charger is. And he was still kind of pissed off sounding when he answered me. I don't know why he is mad. This sucks. But I'm not apologizing this time. Period.

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