Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Better Pictures and Tougher Projects

I want to make a sweater. Period. I'm surrounded by people on Ravelry that make me feel like I'm not doing anything worthwhile. I love my little menagerie, but I need to do something more grown up. I would really like to have the book I was looking at, but I don't have the money for it. Maybe if dad takes me to Barne's and Noble, he can buy it for me. Or Naughty Needles. That's another one I want. I want to make a friggin sweater.
Ronnie came and saw me at school today. That's good because I haven't seen him in ages and I wanted to hang out before he moved to New Jersey. I hope his fiance doesn't get all pissed off because he's talking to me again.
I want to make a sweater. I can't say that enough. I'm getting all geared up and ready to make a sweater, so I want to start soon so I don't loose my drive. If I can talk dad into buying me a book, that would be awesome. If I can't do that, maybe we could go to Hobby Lobby and I can talk him into buying me some yarn to start one. That would also be pretty cool.
My hands are jumpy again. I just can't get anything started that I like. The damn cotton got all tangled up and so I'm pissed off at my penguin, and I don't like working on projects that piss me off. I started writing a fish pattern, but it looks stupid. So basically, I'm in a rut. I need a sweater pattern! Not just need it... Like, I really need it! You understand, right?
Chris and I are....ok? We had lunch together and we talked. We were standing in line at McDonald's and my hands were in my sweater pocket and he kept grabbing at my sweater. I figured he wanted to hold my hand. I was right. He said I should at least pretend to like him. I talked to Matty about it and I don't really know what to do. I hope he tried to reconcile or something tonight. Like, tell me how much he loves me or something. That might help. Even if he just said he is sorry and will try not to yell so much in the future. That would be even better. I have to wait here at school for him until about 4:30. He is working a little bit extra right now and left me here. My dad is coming to Fort Wayne tonight, so I think we are all going to go out to dinner. That would be great.
I am so incredibly tired right now. Maybe I'll go outside and sleep a little bit until Chris gets here. It's really beautiful outside. I'm tempted to loose the sweater, but it's windy out and that makes it a tad chilly in the shade. Maybe I'll try to untangle my yarn. I searched for a swift and winder today because I want to wind my yarn. maybe not even a swift is necessary. I really just need the winder. Kathy had them in Warsaw. Maybe I'll just start there.
I'm gonna go take a nap. Exhausted.

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