Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Another Day, Another Argument

I'm getting slightly annoyed with Chris. We had such a long talk Friday night. I really thought we had come to an understanding. I didn't realize he was just going to keep yelling. I know that he wants me to not talk down to him. I understand that, but what I don't get is how he interpreted what I said as talking down to him. He was driving towards a set of doors, and I said there were a set of doors closer. He never mentioned going anywhere besides the post office, so I figured we were just going in the food court doors and he would explain to me why. Instead, he just yelled at me. He knows how much I hate when he yells at me. I don't know why he can't just calm down. I've never yelled at him before. I've never said anything out of anger towards him. I don't get why he just yells. Especially after Friday. I thought he would try not to anymore. I try to make him happy. I don't get it.
Now I'm in my room (yeah, my room. Not our room. Mine.) with the door shut so I can listen to my music and sort my yarn. He probably assumes that I'm just being pms-y and doesn't want to talk to me till I calm down. But I am calm. Very calm. Just disappointed. I have Boys Like Girls and Spoon to help me relax. I had some really fun plans for tonight and he kinda ruined it when he yelled at me. Now I just plan on sitting in my room alone for a good portion of the night. I'm tired of him yelling at me and then getting mad at me for not talking. Then I feel bad because I made him mad. I don't get angry that he yelled at me, so I end up apologizing for something he should apologize to me for. I am very much capable of having an adult conversation. I can discuss a problem without yelling and screaming and getting all pissed off. He can tell me if he is mad. He doesn't need to get all pissy with me. Maybe I'll just wait for him to apologize this time instead of running to him feeling like a bad girlfriend. I'm not a bad girlfriend. I won't be a bad girlfriend. He needs to appreciate me the way I appreciate him.

There. Now I feel a little better. Typing it out actually keeps me from wanting to go to his room and throwing my arms around him and apologizing and having him pat me on the back and tell me that he has forgiven me for whatever it was that I did wrong. It can be his fault for once.
(Ok, Miss Anxiety 2008...Whatever you say.)
I'm cataloging my yarn. I think I want to put it all away. Again. It was all nice and organized when I got here and I feel like I want to organize everything all over again. I like how my mom had it all put away, but I can't find my hooks for my shoe racks. I think I might just stick it on my closet shelves since I don't have any clothes. Maybe I'll even put my laundry away and put my bed together. Haven't put laundry away in weeks. I usually just let it sit on my floor until I wear it and then I just throw it in the dirty laundry. Maybe. Big maybe.
I'm running out of animals to make. I can't really think of my next project. I just gave my flying pig away so maybe I'll make one of those. I want to make two cows. One brown and one white with black spots. I figure I'll let Gail pick whichever she wants. I also want to go on Ravelry and add pictures of everything in my stash. Maybe I'll stash dive something fun tonight to keep my mind off apologizing to Chris. That sounds fun. Ooooh. I could catalog my needles and hooks and little bits and pieces, that way I'll stop loosing shit. I should stash dive and make a needle carrier. I'd have to felt something so they don't poke through the fabric.
By the way, I absolutely love the song "On Top of the World" by Boys Like Girls. I really really love it. That was part of my plan with Chris tonight.
Wish he hadn't yelled at me.

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