Friday, April 18, 2008

Guess What?

I didn't post yesterday!! Wow. It's been a long time since I didn't post at least once a day. That's kinda crazy.
Well, I tried intarsia last night...With not too awful results. I got the twisting part down so I didn't leave any holes in the front, but...I ended up swagging all the color changes and I'm not sure how to fix it. I've been doing some research and I think I will try again tomorrow morning while Chris is still sleeping. That way I can really sit down and concentrate. I have some pictures on my laptop, but I don't have them uploaded to flickr yet.
My monitor is making a weird ass noise and I'm not sure why. I think I will just have to come back at a later time and pick a different computer... Nevermind. It stopped.
I made a Pikachu while I was supposed to be working for Dan. It doesn't have any feet yet, and it's ears were hard to make. It's eyes are uneven and so are the red spots on it's cheeks. Chris saw it and asked me if it's cheeks carried an electric charge. Unfortunately, they don't. I would have gone to Wal-Mart and gotten strong magnets if I had a car. There is a pattern for a Katamari on Ravelry and I want to make it for Ande's graduation present. It's absolutely stupid and basically useless (except as a paperweight) but I know she will love having it in her dorm. I could crochet an applause monster. Think she would like that?
10. Katamari
11. Applause Monster
12. Start my damn sweater once my yarn gets here (and dyed...I have to do that too.)
Should have brought my yarn with me. I have some green and black at home. Although, I think if I make a Katamari, it should be in great bright colors. Maybe I'll go to Hobby Lobby and just pick out some ridiculous colors that are on sale and just stripe the hell out of them. I think she would like that. I hope that pattern is free...
Well, I think I'm gonna go start work on my cow. I told Gail I'd make her a cow and I haven't even started it yet. Actually, I started it, but it was ugly. So I frogged it and am going to remake it.
Ew. I work tonight. It's going to be busy. And I'm probably going to have to do drawers, but whoever else is there is just going to stand over me and basically do it for me, because for some reason, they all think they know how to do this job better than I do. Wrong. True, I've never counted drawers at my old store, but I can count, therefore, they don't need to hover. I'm a big girl. I'm sure I will be just friggin' fine.
Oh well. Off to start my cow and ponder the possibilities of Katamari colors.

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