Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Knitting Keeps Me Warm in Oh So Many Ways

I am freezing. I'm pretty sure that the thermostat is set at 12 degrees. So, not only am I sitting in my room wearing my favorite knit hat, I am also wearing my super cute scarf I crocheted last year. I'm also working on my madre's ribbon scarf. So, my hands stay warm because I wrap them loosely in my scarf and viola! I am warm again.
I also am all cozy inside because my friend absolutely flipped over the very same ribbon scarf as I sat down to work on it today. That makes me all bubbly inside because I love this scarf and I want my mom to like it as much as she loved her birthday present (a kick ass pair of shoes. My mom's a sucker for cute shoes!)
I really feel like working on this scarf now. I should be partying downstairs like my friend and the two really popular girls. I should be down there, getting drunk with everyone else because I now attend "Hollister High". But I'm not. Maybe I'll call someone else. Hell, it's not like I have anything to do tomorrow...

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