Monday, October 22, 2007

I Am the Freaking Embassy

Honestly, anyone who hasn't read Stephanie McPhee Casts Off really should be kicked out of the land of knitting. Reading it inspires me to knit, as does my recent blogging activity.
I am now officially broke and considering selling the little girl I babysit on the black market for profit. Any takers? She's cute and doesn't cry a lot, unless you yell at her because she's in trouble. The other idea I had was to have a yarn sale. I thought about putting flyers up on campus advertising different kinds of yarn I have sitting around that I'll probably never use. But I'm not entirely sure I could part with it. I have pack-rat-itis and I'm sure I could never willingly give away any of the crap I never use.
When I began this blog, I felt like I had more to say. I guess I don't. All I really wanted was an outlet to complain about my current financial status. Although there is a light on the horizon. I had orientation yesterday for a new job and I will find out tomorrow or Wednesday if I got the other job. I now have a source of income in the mornings instead of just sitting around being bored.
Before you even think it: Yes, I knit in the mornings. I get quite a lot caught up in the mornings, but I have to face facts at some point. Knitting is not income. Actually, knitting has the exact opposite effect on income. For me, knitting laughs in the face of that next pay check. Knitting is a great black hole into which my paychecks get sucked. So, before you get on my case for not knitting in the mornings to combat boredom, keep in mind: I am a starving college kid. I need money. I also am badly in need of a new apartment. But more on that later. I feel like working on some scarves.

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