Saturday, September 29, 2007

The Un-Itchable Scratch

I'm pulling my hair out again.
I have plaque psoriasis on my scalp, and for some unknown reason, it has decided to act up again. So, I continue to pull my hair out to stop the itch. It doesn't help at all, but I feel better anyways.
I have also become addicted to memoirs. I just finished reading Running With Scissors by Augusten Burroughs. It was amazing. I wish my life could have something interesting enough to write a memoirs about. I think they are fascinating.
Unfortunately, all I have to write about is the fact that I knit. I knit all the time. And I enjoy it. It keeps me occupied. In a way, I guess it helps my psoriasis because while both my hands are busy with needles and yarn, I have no means to pull my hair out. Also while I knit, I don't really have time to think. All I usually do while knitting is count or repeat knit, purl, knit, purl. It's kind of nice to be blank for a little bit.
I finished the blue hat. Sort of. I'm supposed to put plastic canvas in the brim to make it stiffer, but I don't feel like driving all the way out to Hobby Lobby. He wants to be washable, but I don't make washable garments. Why? Because I hate doing laundry, so I make things that don't get dirty, so they don't get washed. And also because I heart wool. The blue hat it made of mohair and wool, so if it gets washed, he can cut holes in it for his dog to wear. That's not my problem. He pays, I make, he ruins, I don't care.
I need to use all the yarn I already have before I go out and buy new. But that's the true fun of knitting/crocheting. Blowing $50 at Hobby Lobby by picking up sale yarn, saying, "I can use this!" and then throwing it in your stash and never looking at it again. I need to finish everything up. I am making an airy scarf out of the gray mohair left over from the hat. It reminds me of bread dough. More on that later though (closer to the scarf's completion...Which may never come, knowing me).
To sum up Saturday; memoirs, blue hats, party remnants, Dante's Inferno. Not too bad, if I do say so myself.

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