Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Because I'm 19 With Life to Go

Happy birthday to me. Yesterday, that is.
I've made the jump into "official college student" status. Eighteen is such a high school year, with senior prom and graduation. Nineteen makes one officially in college. But trust me, it's not nearly as exciting as it seems. Although, I believe I made out like a bandit in the gift area. I got a few new sweaters (from Goodwill's half-price day sale), a new pair of jeans (50% off at J.C. Penny's), and a secondhand violin. I really am happy about the violin. Secondhand string instruments have life and soul, something a non-musician will ever understand. It is in need of new strings and a new bridge and a new bow, but hey, it's mine, and I will love it forever...Or until I have a musically inclined grandchild of my own. Then they can love it the way I will love my grandfather's.
Other than some super on-sale clothes and a beautiful new part of my soul, I recieved every college student's dream. Money. What did I spend that money on? My car. My car needed a new power steering fluid cap and oil, so that's what it got. What my car really needs is to be not the same car anymore. That would help much more.
In knitting world, I haven't been working on anything except a book. Stephanie Pearl-McFee Casts Off. It's not a knitting pattern book at all, but rather a guide through the world of knitting. And it's hilarious. I would like to start making a sweater for the one year old I babysit for. I think it would be a good Christmas present. I also need to start my scarves I make for presents. Although this year I'm considering making hats or mittens rather than scarves. But scarves are generally fairly cheap, quick and easy. Then again, so are hats. I don't know yet. Maybe that's what I'll do with my free time tonight.
Why, yes I will. I feel inspired already.

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