Thursday, September 27, 2007

College Girls Kints the Blues

Ah, college. Who doesn't remember the late schedules, the scraping by with little else or nothing to eat but letfover pizza, and of course, the putting off of homework to work on knitting projects that you will almost assuredly not finish.
Such is my case.
I am the classic college girl knitter. At Freshman Fest (the annual welcome day for new freshman, i.e. me) I jumped at the chance to join "the Stitchery", the campus knitting circle. I called my mom ready to jump out of my skin because the knitting table was next to the marketing major (my major of choice since sophomore year of high school).
I have yet to go to a meeting.
Still, I have found time to knit on my own between staying up texting until 3 a.m., sleeping until noon, going to class and working. I am fairly proud of my recent knitting adventures.
I made a hat.
Not just any hat, but the most amazing hat in the entire world. You know which hat I mean. The hat you knit that you start over six times because you NEED it to be perfect from cast on to bind off. That hat you finally finish after eight straight hours of knitting because godforbid you go to sleep without trying it on first (at 2 in the morning). That perfect hat that turns out exactly how you envisioned it, even if you made the pattern up as you went.
And now all my new college buddies want one. Not just the girls, either. I am currently working on Awesome Hat version 2.0 for my table buddy in political science. I will post pictures when it is finished. First my hat (which no one but me shall ever have a copy of) and then his once I get it done.
Which could possibly be tonight. I am on a roll. Meh, who cares if I have a paper due at noon tomorrow? There will always be time in the morning...

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