Friday, October 24, 2008

The Haunting Hour

And no, I'm not talking about Halloween.

I'm freaking out about Christmas.

I have all the yarn I need. I think. I just don't think I'll ever find enough time to sit and actually get everything done. Scratch that. I don't think I have the patience to get everything done.
Another issue? I'm running out of motivation. I had most of yesterday off because I didn't feel good at all. I had all that time while Chris played his video game, yet I knit nothing. I did get my Ravenclaw sock worked on. I've only got two more rows before I start the heel chart. Somewhere I got messed up and I have one extra row, but in the grand scheme of things, I think it'll be ok. I made a note of it on the pattern so that as I work the second sock, maybe I'll see what happened. 
Oh yeah, and I tried to get the sock on last night, but I don't think it will fit. Oh well I guess. Good Christmas present for Ande. I can make some that look better. I can learn intarsia to do the eagles so they don't look all janky from the yarn-carrying. Ha. Take that little sister.
I'm starving. I had a really good day at work, but I didn't get off till 5 and now I want wings, but Chris is taking forever to get home. Meebo said he left at 6:17, but he still isn't home. Tick tock, babycakes. I'm ravenous.
The wonderful weather in Indiana is giving us nothing but rain all weekend. Cold, icky, ice cold rain. By Monday we're supposed to be getting snow. What a bunch of crap that is. It's only October and already it's starting to snow. Suck.
Chris and my anniversary is Sunday. I don't quite have his present done. I tried to finish it. I've been working on it since June. That was something I wanted to work on yesterday while I was home sick, but Chris decided that he needed to stay home and take care of me for some reason. So I didn't get any of it done. Maybe he'll do laundry tomorrow at his mom's and I can stay here and work on it...He still thinks I knit him something. :)
Gotta go get food. He's finally home! Woohoo!

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