Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Welcome to Flat Top, Now You Can All Go to Hell

I think Mike sucks. Everyone who knows me has listened to me bitch about how much work sucks because of Mike. Mike Mike Mike. He's a great big jerk ass and I hope he doesn't give me my job back so I can go on unemployment and be happy without Flat Top.
Anyways, back to earth...
I cut my finger pretty hardcore yesterday and my Hello Kitty band-aid is making it really hard to type. I could take it off, but then I risk opening the cut and gushing blood all over my keyboard, and that's totally NOT what my computer needs right now. I watched Sin City last night for the first time and now I feel like I need to add blood and gore to my every thought. Yuck.
Chris's surgery went well, until his contact fell out Sunday morning and he was in agonizing pain for hours and I had to sit there unable to help him. He's asleep right now, and I think his tear duct implants are bothering him. He took a pain pill this morning, which he was fine without yesterday. Pretty soon the implants will dissolve and he will feel a million times better. Until then, I just keep putting in eyedrops and wait for him to see again.
We put up the Christmas tree yesterday after a hellacious start to a miserable Monday. First, I left the Christmas tree stand in Ande's car, so we were gonna drive back to Warsaw to go get it. However, my car wouldn't start because I left the lights on all night Sunday night. His Jeep wouldn't start because it's too cold here. His mom came over and jumped me which was awfully nice of her. We got the car started and headed out to look for Christmas trees that weren't frozen to death. There were none to be found. Luckily, Chris's mom had an old fake tree that she only used once or twice and then boxed up. It's in pretty good shape. It's not real, which bothers me to no end, but at least we have a tree. Next year, Chris promises we'll have a nice big real tree. The tree already had lights on it, but since we bought color-coordinating lights, we stripped the tree and put the old lights to good use. They're strung around the ceiling in our apartment which makes for a pretty romantic evening.
The fireplace is almost finished. Chris said he wanted to finish it tonight before Christmas. If his implants are still bothering him, he won't be able to see well enough to finish it in time. We head out to my dad's early tomorrow morning. I want to leave here around 8. I don't know if I'll be able to get Chris out of bed. Lately he's been getting up early for work, so that helps.
We moved all our furniture around last night to set up for the Christmas tree. Our apartment looks bigger in my opinion. It's kinda nice.
It's been forever since I last posted, and I think it's just because I'm starting to loose intrest in anything I once did. I still love to knit and spin and everything, but it's just been shoved down my throat lately because of Christmas. Christmas knittin always makes me hate knitting for about a month. Luckily I now have Ravelry which keeps my interest peaked, however I have started spending more time in front of my computer than with my needles. I still need to finish Kacy's present. The ends haven't been sewn in and I have no straps. However, I think that it's tight enough it won't need straps, especially worn over something else. I hope it fits her alright. I made it her size, so when I try it on it just looks silly. I have muffin tops now. Isn't that exciting?
I also need to finish the hippo and Melanie's sock. I started it about an hour ago and I got a whole row and a half finished before I headed back over to my dear computer. I have till Friday to get those socks finished and wrapped. I still need to get the dishes done today, finish up wrapping gifts and straighten up my room in case Shelly and Scott come over with the girls. Yuck.
Funny how I haven't posted in forever. I come back and make my triumphant return by bitching about Christmas.

Merry Christmas everyone!

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