Saturday, October 18, 2008

Christmas Creeps Ever So Close Now...

It's been a while since my last post.  A lot has happened since then. But, I'm not really here to talk about my life outside knitting. At least, not today.
Instead, I want to make my Christmas list. Not what I want, but what I need to make for everyone else. I'm going to try and sort this list by importance.
1. Ande...Oh jeeze, what to make for the little sister. Scarf in school colors? Arm-warmers? Socks? I think I might need to revisit her after my list is done.
2. Mom...Mom loves scarves. Just which yarn to use is the question. And the fact that I HATE making scarves...
3. Chris...I put him lower on the list because I have already gotten him several things for Christmas. Chris wants me to finish his fingerless gloves, but the yarn has no give at all, and they are just no fun to make. He doesn't really wear scarves or hats. I could do another pair of socks...
4. My swap partner...Here is an issue. What the hell to make for her? I want to do an iPod sweater because she said she loves it and I just think they are so darn cute. But what else?
5. Donnie...Gotta finish the Jughead Hat!
6. Dad...Same as Donnie, only black with different colors for the points, I think.
7. Marcell...Scarf out of the Nikki I bought just for her...But I HATE scarves!
8. The Kids...Gwen, Gabe, Abby, Melanie...I already have a sweater for Gabe, and I think I can pump out a cute little pair of socks for him. Making socks for the girls shouldn't be too hard. But I'll probably need more needles to get them done in time.
9. Kacy...Grr. I hate making things for Kacy because I don't know what she'll use. I think she needs one of those catear hats. That'd be cute.
I'm so going to be late for work if I continue writing like this. I will try and revisit this list before work tomorrow. For now-Must dash!

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