Friday, August 8, 2008

My Name is _______, and I'll be Your Server Today!

Welcome to Flat Top Grill, my new place of employment!
I thought that once I had heard the great news I would have posted immediately, but I guess not. I got the job last Tuesday and started Monday of this week. I am the youngest server at Flat Top and the only server without a liquor license. That's in the works though. I really enjoy the work. So far, I haven't been able to keep any tips because I've still been training. Tomorrow is the first time I'll get to keep what I make. However, I found out yesterday that the girl who was training me (Tristan) was making really good tips because of me. That's good news, right?
I have a knit in tonight and I have no fucking clue what to take with me. I was thinking about taking a sock pattern and asking Chris if he wants me to make him a pair of socks. My mom is bringing part of my rent money (I hope...), so Chris will have a bit of extra cash. I think it's probably going to go towards groceries (and aftershave!) but who needs $300 worth of groceries?
I can't wait to start making money. The first paychecks this month go out tomorrow, but I don't think I'll get one this week since I just started. They are probably like Ritter's with overlapping pay periods. This check probably ended Sunday, which means I wouldn't get one anyways because I didn't start until Monday.
Alright, so this has been pissing me off: Why is my computer saying that "didn't" isn't a word? It's saying that "isn't" also is not a word. Is it illegal to use contractions now?
Someone in my building is slamming doors and pissing me off even further than the incorrect use of contractions by me and/or my computer. It's not the people downstairs like usual...I think. It might be, but it feels like 1C, and I'm pretty sure no one lives there. Maybe 2C is the culprit. I know people live there, but they are so friendly and quiet usually. My whole friggin' apartment is shaking! It better not be some goddamn kids throwing shit in the stairways. I'll be pissed.
My mom should be here within 45 minutes and I'm sitting on the floor naked wrapped in my blanket (the air was set on freezing all night and my apartment takes forever to warm up). I'm thinking that at some point I should get dressed. But first, I'm going to look at some super awesome sock patterns for Chris. He says he wants blue and orange, but I don't want to buy two separate things of yarn. I would rather just make him a pair of black or orange. Not both together.
So...An incomplete list of shit that I need to get done today:
1. Get dressed
2. Clear everything off the living room and bedroom floors so I can sweep
(Side note! Chris came home from his mom's last night with two surprises. A package of Oreos and a VACUUM! His mom bought me a vacuum! I sat on the floor for about a half hour just playing with it because I'm so happy!)
3. Get my bank set up for tomorrow morning. This involves getting change for a 20 and going through our spare change to come up with about $3 in mixed coinage...Something I'm really not looking forward to.
4. Do the dishes. Ew.
5. Work on Chris's anniversary gift. I haven't really had a chance to work on it at all this week, and the clock is ticking. Today, Monday, and Thursday are the only day next week to work on it.
6. Crush some of my damn pop cans if I have time.
7. Shower.
8. Knit in.
9. Sleep so I can get up at 7 to go to work. Yay breakfast shifts!
10. Grocery shop tomorrow...If my mom brings us some money. Fingers crossed.

Ok...Off to start my day.

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