Monday, August 11, 2008

Everything's Coming Up Milhouse!!

What a great day to end a perfect weekend. Friday night was great. I had dinner with my boyfriend and I got to go to a knit in. The knit in was great. I teamed up with mksmiles to make a pair of socks that I found on knitty. She is the fastest sock knitter around and was working on a pair of stranded Gryfindor socks. I showed her the pattern thinking she might like to try them sometime and before we left, she had already cast on and was half way through her cuff ribbing. I left with some black Cascade Heritage and a pair of loaner needles that go to Edith when I've finished my socks (hopefully before this weekend!). I couldn't stay terribly long at the knit in because I had to work Saturday morning.
Saturday breakfast was great! I had 3 tables total and worked about 2 hours (I was there for 4 doing sidework and the like), and at the end of the day I had walked away with $34! I was shocked at how well I had done on my first day on my own. I really like working at Flat Top. So far everyone has been really nice and I'm learning a whole new side of food service. I still need to get my liquor liscense, but I'm not totally sure how to go about doing that. Val and Christen were suppsed to get back to me on that but haven't yet. However, there are still two girls that are training, so maybe after that's all finished, I can go to that class.
After work, Chris and I had lunch at Flat Top. It was only nine-something for the both of us to eat since I can bring a guest and get 50% off. After that we went to Sarah Jane's so I could pick up the pink I needed to strand these socks with. I still owe Laurie some money from the black I got, but I plan on going in Wednesday afternoon or maybe Thursday and paying her. I also want to pick up a little something extra for Chris...
We came back to the house and Chris and I had some dirty fun, got cleaned up and decided to go grocery shopping. At Wal*Mart, we both got hair dye and I finally, after all these years of wishful thinking, dyed my hair black. I love it! Chris now has pinky-red bright hair and I really like his too. After that we watched a cute romance movie and ate junk food.
Sunday, I taught myself how to knit continental! I was absolutely frustrated on my way to Jenni's bridal shower, but once I got home, I picked up my socks and with the black in my right and the pink in my left, I started knitting. It's so easy! I am reading a chart and knitting continental and it's so much fun! My socks are speeding right along. I should have my first one done tomorrow or Wednesday, time permitting. The same lady that designed the socks I'm making also designed a pair of socks called "bpm" and they have a stranded Space Invaders design that Chris thought was really cool. I want to make them for him, but I need to find a neon color of green. I can't use varigated or self striping in these socks because that's not what the game looked like. Chris wants to do the chalk walk next year and has previously mentioned doing a Space Invaders scene, so I think these socks might be his Christmas present, if I can get everyone else's done too.
I also got my swap partner for the college knitter's group. She is going into her freshman year at Northern Arizona University. I think it must be in the mountains because all of her projects are scarves, hats and mittens. I think I'm going to use that Bernat blue yarn to make her a couple of fingerless gloves with her school name embroidered. Maybe. I also found a cute/cheap cardigan pattern that I just love. I want one for myself, but I think it would be something nice to give her too. Now I just need to figure out what else to put in her package. Stickers? Pens? A Beanie Baby?
Chris took me out for wings after Jenni's bridal shower. Leslie and I talked about knitting a bunch and I got to see pictures of Jenni's dress. It's so beautiful. I hope I can find a dress as pretty as hers if I ever get married. It was weird talking about what my wedding could be like. It made me think of Chris, but it was just weird. The wings were fantastic.
My socks are coming along so well and I'm actually doing a good job on something more complicated than I've ever tried before. I'm really excited to get them done so I'm working my ass off knitting up a storm. I want to hijack Chris's computer tonight and add pictures to Ravelry so that mk can see what I've been up to.
I also want to start Ravenclaw socks for the movie...But I have to Christmas knit. And swap knit. And finish Chris's anniversary present. And make his gloves he bought. So...I guess we'll see if I ever get around to those socks. They would be blue and silver even though they are blue and bronze in the book. Blue and bronze are just too ugly togther for me. Plus, gray/silver yarn is WAY easier to find than bronze. If you're looking for bronze, you'll end up with brown. Yucky orangey pukey brown. Not something I'd like to wear around. I think I want to try Knitting Off Broadway to see what color green she has for Chris's Space Invader socks. I don't think Sarah Jane's has a solid green that color. I dunno. I'll check when I go to pay for the black.
I gotta vacuum, get dressed and do some dishes/laundry before Chris gets home. I was thinking about putting my dress on and doing some pin up curls. Wouldn't that be sweet?

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