Friday, April 4, 2008


Oh my, how I feel the guilt of never blogging anymore. Trust me, I feel absolutely awful and I plan on keeping up a little bit better this year than I have in the past.
New knitting:
I started a blanket. True, it's a crocheted granny square "patchwork" type blanket, but I figured if I'm going to have my own place from now on, it's high time I settled down and made a blanket.
Amigurumi!! I have started making my own little yarn menagerie, and I couldn't love these little guys any more! They are super easy, super fun, and super customizable. I took a "dude" pattern and turned it into a lion with some sparkley gold yarn and some dark orange. I actually HAVE a picture of this project, so I can actually show the world what I've been up to.
I'm gonna make an orange cable hat. I have been knitting for years now and I haven't made a damn thing cabled. What better than a super cute orange hat? I printed off my pattern and will hopefully have it finished by the end of this weekend.

In other news, I'm finally moved and settled and starting to learn what it's like to live with someone. It's crazy. I really enjoy it and I'm sure there will be many happy days to come with my love.
In other, more heartbraking news, my car has officially died. The engine had been having trouble for weeks now and I knew it was only a matter of time before the poor thing finally gave in to the temptation of an easier life as chop shop parts. A junk yard payed me $150 for it, which I found incredibly generous considering the shape my poor car was in, and it has now been crushed into scrap metal. It breaks my heart just thinking about it. Chris has to drive me around everywhere now and I feel awful because his car is really bad on gas mileage. I won't feel so bad after I totally clean his car this weekend and give him $30 for gas money.
New jobs, new place, new car...
Since when have I ever acted this much like an adult? Geeze, this world sneaks up on you.

I think I have some more to say, but I have a math test I need to go take. Yuck. Wish me luck, for I shall need it.

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