Thursday, April 2, 2009

Oh My God...

...I think I'm dying.

No, seriously this time. I'm pretty sure my body has had it with me. My uterus is staging a civil war and my ovaries are the territory being faught over. You can only guess where the casualties end up.
I can't lay down, stand up, move around...I can basically hunch over my computer, with one foot under me and one knee up to my chest. It's akward and uncomfortable for the rest of my body but it's the only position where I can think about something other than the pain. And I've taken drugs for it, but they aren't working!
Ever since I moved to the Fort my body has been unsure as to which direction it wants to go. I've been uncomfortably "shifting" from every direction possible from three days to two weeks, from two weeks apart to six weeks apart, from no warning whatsoever to three days of uncontrollable, miserable pain before.
This is awful. I'm pretty sure that if my body hasn't won the war by 8:15, I'm emailing all my professors and telling them that there's no way I'm gonna make it into school today. I can barely stand, let alone walk around campus to my various classes. I can take my time and figure out which classes I should take next fall, that is if I even make it to next fall. At the rate I'm going, I'll be stuck in this position for the rest of my life. My boyfriend will come home from school today or work tomorrow and find my poor deserted skin, all the organs run away to form a more perfect union in someone else's lower half.
Until then, I think I'll work on finding some more sources for my bibliography. If I'm not going to English, I really need to have my bibliography sent in with my last will and testament. If I don't make it to finish my paper, hopefully she will grade me based on my previous work in class. Apart from death, failing English...again...Is seriously the last thing I need.
It's almost 8 now...Which means the drugs I took should have kicked in almost a half hour ago...And I still feel only pain. I think I'm going to ask my french professor if I can take the quiz later today when I can function again. Not like I'm going to pass anyways...
On the plus side, bent over and miserable is the perfect position to knit in. Time to make more squares!

1 comment:

Hildawg said...

Awww I know how you feel, I have ovarian cysts and now they think I have endometriosis....the pills do nothing!!!! But the best remedy I've found is ibuprofin and mountain dew....the caffeine helps for some reason.