Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Stupid Teenage Drama

I know I'm a drama queen. I know I'm high strung. But that doesn't make me feel any better.
Both my mom and ex-stepfather have MySpace accounts. My ex-stepdad got one just so he could check up on my mom and see who she was hanging out with. I don't feel bad for her. He did the same thing to me by reading diaries and the like. I went on MySpace today (something I rarely do, especially now that I don't use the email where my notifications are sent) looking to watch my mom's 40th birthday skydiving video. For some stupid reason, I decided to check out my ex-stepfather's pictures to see what his new 18 year old girlfriend looks like. (She's a stripper too. Picked himself a real winner this time!) He has an album titled "Dogs I know," which bugged me for several reasons.
1. Know should be capitalized. It's part of a title, and what makes it worst is that it's the last word! Last words of titles are always capitalized! Idiot.
2. The first 6 pictures are pictures of Hans and Jewels, the dogs that still currently live with my mom and little sister. My mom paid for the Hans to have both knees replaced, and she loves those dogs more than you could possibly imagine. Looking at the captions, he keeps saying "my dogs." He hasn't lived at that house in almost a year. How can he possibly even concieve calling them "his dogs?" I hate him for many, many reasons, which I've told the people I care about more than enough times. I won't go into detail here. But, I will bitch that he needs to change the captions of those pictures because I know that for a fact that if he were to walk into the house, the dogs would bark and growl at him just like they do any other stranger. He is nothing to my family anymore so how dare he claim ownership of such an important part of it?

I didn't leave any nasty comments like I wanted to because I'm a firm believer that if you don't want to see something on the internet, don't go looking for it.
As for other news in my life...I'm so fucking bored! I haven't left the house in days and I have only changed once and that was because I cleaned the house for Chris and made dinner and thought I'd look cuter in jeans rather than baggy sweatpants. That's the only reason I have to put day-time clothes on. I am so bored and I don't have a car or a bike lock so my possibilities are kind of restricted right now. I found out I have a little bit of extra money in my account right now, so I'm hoping I can talk Chris into taking me somewhere for dinner. I really really want Panda Express. To be able to go out and stretch my legs sounds so amazing right now.
Also, this lack of getting out of the house is killing our electric bill as well as food supply. You would think I'd be getting knitting projects done, but I haven't finished anything since last week. Grr. Because I'm eating so much all the time, I'm also starting to gain weight. I want a vaccum so that I'm forced to walk the length of our apartment several times every day or two. Or a bike lock so I can go places. That'd be pretty cool too.

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