Friday, June 6, 2008

On Hiatus

Right now all projects are currently on hiatus.
Because I'm back in Warsaw! My little sister graduates tonight and I had to come back to town for it. Last night I got to hang out with Rusty and some other drunken stoners I used to kinda hang out with in high school. I was never a huge fan of any of them, but Rusty can be pretty cool on occasion. I think the main reason he wants to hang out is the hope that sooner or later I will bring a single friend back with me from Fort Wayne.
(This is the part where everyone else on stage freezes, and the spotlight shines directly on me as I speak to the audience. All other stage lights are killed.)
This is funny for two reasons. First off, I don't really hang out with single people. Chris and I are starting to see a lot more of Jenni because while school is out for the summer, she is unemployed (yet another drawback of being a teacher). Jenni is a wonderful person, but she is engaged. My best friend also is in a long-term relationship. In fact, I doubt I will see much of Kacy at all this summer because she is much more concerned with saving money to drive to Bloomington to meet her boyfriend than driving the hour to come stay at my apartment for a weekend. I guess that's just how life goes. Anyways, that's the first reason why Rusty wanting a single friend of mine is funny.
Secondly, I don't hang out with anyone. Honestly. When Chris is at work and I don't have anything to do that day for Dan, I'm bored to tears. My only friends (if you can even call them that) are the knitters and crocheters on Ravelry. I don't actually have a relationship with any of them, most of the girls on there only talk to me when they like the sweater I'm making or I say something witty and clever on the I-Hate-Kids board. I hardly ever actually talk to anyone about anything interesting. So, you can see the humor here. Rusty wants me to bring a single friend with me. I'm starting to realize that I don't actually have any friends.
(I walk back to where I was previously standing before this revealing aside and freeze momentarily in position as the lights come back up and action resumes.)
Chris had a really cute movie idea that he told me about before we left for Ritter's yesterday. I look all over the house for my lion, and in each shot, you can see him somewhere hidden in the background. Just as I'm about to give up in frustration and collapse on my bed, I walk into the bedroom and he's just chilling out on the bedspread. I think it sounds cute. Unfortunately, we can't shoot anything till Sunday. I'm going back to Fort Wayne (strange still to call it home) Saturday, but I work Saturday night. I think it will be more fun than what we normally do on Sundays.
Summer is here and it's hot as hell. I miss my air conditioning. And the dogs are killing my allergies. Why did I want to come back so bad? Not to mention it's weird to be sleeping alone again after getting so used to having Chris right there if I needed him.
Big day ahead of me. I get to go to my yarn store, possibly mow the yard (if I don't kill the mower, or if I can even get the damn thing started), go to lunch with Mrs. Erwin and Kacy, go to graduation, maybe hit a party or two later tonight, and manage to find enough sleep to not pass out tomorrow night at close. I think I close with Alex. That's good. I can leave early if necessary. Anyways, I have a lot I would like to get done today. My mom gave me a $20 for food or whatever. I'm probably going to spend most of that at the yarn store. Luckily, I gave Chris all of my tip money for laundry, so I am short about $6 or I would have spent that at Kathy's too.
It's just after 6 in the morning, and I'm kind of planning my day. I'm up so early that my plan might involve a nap. I haven't gotten up this early (and stayed up) in ages. Not since before I moved. I used to wake up before 6 every morning so that I could leave before 6:30 to get to Fort Wayne. That's all over now and it's great. Chris and I wake up about 7:15 and head to work...Well, I get up and put in the Simpsons and watch tv and knit all day. I guess today probably won't be much different than any other day. I wonder if Adam is still in town of if he's left for Guatemala yet. I don't know when Lakeland's graduation is, so he might already be gone.
I've sat and rambled for much too long, so I'm going to get off here and maybe take a shower and shave or something. Maybe I'll just color the shower because I haven't had a chance to do that for months. Once I'm unbanned from the basement (mom's working out), I can begin on my knitting again. I'm resizing my $5 in Paris so that it fits Gwen. The yarn I want to buy today is for the cardigan I made for Gabe, only bigger and girlier for his sister. Just a few more hours till she's open...

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