Wednesday, May 14, 2008

NaNa...NananananananaNa Katamari Jag

I have knitting jag.
Unfamiliar with the term? Check out Casting Off, by the Yarn Harlot.
I finished up my sweater, and after looking on Ravelry, I found a really cute hat pattern. I got finished with the knitting and needed to graft the seam...Yeah, well...Let's just say it's been frogged, for lack of a better definition. I was so disappointed in my disastrous attempt at using a provisional cast on and grafting cabled stitches. I plan on tweaking the pattern just slightly to make the same style hat, only in red and white for my little sister's graduation present.
However, before I can get that done, I need to get over my jag. What am I stuck making this past week?
You guessed it: Katamaris. They are just cute as hell and super cheap to make, so I am making bunches of them and throwing them in my great katamari bag. Until I have the money for the magnets I need to make them useful, I am just crocheting an obscene amount of little pieces and throwing them together in one small project bag. I figure after my jag is over, I will have enough pieces to furnish my entire family with katamaris for the next few years. Chris demands that each of his katamari's "nubs" have a 30 lb pull, so his are on special order. Besides crazy boy, everyone else gets the standard JoAnn's magnets called for in the pattern.
I needed a place to vent about my jag because I feel silly making so many pieces but not having pictures of them. The reason I have no pictures is because I don't want to take a picture until it's finished. It won't be finished until I get the magnets. I won't get magnets till sometime this weekend. Grr. I'll probably take them all with me to work on Sunday since I open and I won't have anything else to do from 10-4.
Did you know that on this page, crtl+u actually is the shortcut for the page source as opposed to underlining text? I didn't realize that till today, and it bugs me. I wanted to underline. Now I am sad. Maybe some happy katamari goodness will help!

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