Monday, January 7, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

I have made my resolutions. But, it's going to take me some time to work through them. But hey, isn't that what they are supposed to do? Build character and whatnot? I think I will type them out here, that way I will remember them every time I blog.
1. Get my life in order
2. Keep myself out of debt and in class
3. Start and finish a sweater
4. Blog more often

I know they aren't terribly great resolutions. The first one is going to be my biggest challenge. I've decided to start doing certain things more often and stop doing certain things as often as I do. So, those are it.

I'm not exactly happy because I am too poor to start my sweater I so badly want to. But I am also unhappy about the fact that the hat I was looking at yesterday is now corrupted and I can't access the file. Actually, I am pissed.

I just recently realized the Professor Trelawny from the Harry Potter movies is the author from Stranger than Fiction. That makes me unbelievable happy for no real particular reason.

I need to finish Kacy's hat. I am really frustrated that I can't find my books or my scrapbooking stuff or my shoes. I really wish that Brandi and Jeremy weren't so pissed off at me. I need to move back to Fort Wayne and get everything situated. Not just so I can get my stuff back, but because I can't afford this anymore. I think I will take Alycia's mom up on the offer of letting me stay with her. Maybe if Chris and I really hit it off, we can move in together. Maybe...That's a huge maybe at this point. I can't picture us living together yet, mostly because of how things turned out with Jessy. I don't know. It would be nice, but we will see sometime.

I want to knit that damn hat and the pattern won't work. I don't know why she couldn't just type it up on her blog. Why she had to make the damn thing a seperate link is beyond me. This sucks. I will try again soon.

I'm cleaning my room tomorrow. Period. Until then, I'm going to knit and look for an apartment.

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